Star Reader: March 31st- 7th, 2024

This week we are in for a quieter period with only Mercury stationing retrograde and Venus entering Aries. Energy is slowing down and building up to the Great North American Solar Eclipse on Monday April 8, 2024.

The week starts off with the ancient fertility rite of Easter, where nature begins procreating and preparing for new life after the Winter season. Energy is potent and fertile this week waiting for a new seeding at the Solar Eclipse on Monday April 8th, 2024. New beginnings are in store, with something new about to be birthed.

Photo by Alesia Kozik on

Joke’s on you on April Fool’s Day when Mercury stations retrograde until April 25th. A retrograde Mercury in the sign of Aries will have you re-evaluate your personal communications and help you to see where you may be too stubborn and uncompromising.

On Friday April 5th, Venus enters the sign of Aries until April 29th. Venus in Aries focuses on appearance rather than how things actually are. Venus is out of rhythm in Aries so she does not trust her own body and health. You may get angry at your body if it does not behave or respond as you think it should. Self-esteem issues may be the heart of the problem here. The ruler of Venus in Aries is Mars in Pisces where Venus exalts (strongest). Venus and Mars will be in a mutual exchange for a few weeks with Venus being in the sign Mars rules and with Mars being in the sign Venus is the strongest in. This will soften Venus’ journey in Aries where she will assist you in learning how to surrender to your heart and emotions. Things can also get spicy and intense, with seduction and passion being more accessible.

Overall, Venus in Aries knows what she wants and Mars in Pisces gives in.

Photo by Parag Deshmukh on


This week’s Bookscope is Fragments, a collection of poems, notes, and letters written by Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn, like this week’s astrological energy, had her natal Venus in Aries and Mars in Pisces. She had the mutual exchange in her natal chart, contributing to her seductive persona. Through her writings, her Venus in Aries is evident, with her musings on independence, freedom, and passion, while her Mars in Pisces is felt with her self-victimization and complete surrender to her emotions.

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