Star Reader: May 19-26, 2024

This week Jupiter expands his sphere of influence in the sign of Gemini to which he enters on Saturday and will remain for one year. Venus also enters the sign of Gemini on Thursday which will begin initiating her rise as an Evening Star in the mercurial sign later on in June. A Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, and positive aspects to Pluto this week promises thinking outside of the box will bring the needed changes to your life.

Sun in Gemini

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Monday May 20, 2024 the Sun enters Gemini for thirty days where flustered vitality will see you bursting with ideas followed by periods of nervous inhibition. The focus will be on communication for the next month, busying your mind with all concerns related to information, documents, writing, etc… Gemini also has a trickster quality, so things may not appear completely truthful, especially with Gemini’s inherent naivete and innocence playing with our judgement. Listening can reveal a lot during this time.

On Wednesday May 22, 2024 the Sun in Gemini will trine Pluto in Aquarius will offer the chance to power through your tasks.

Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23, 2024

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The Full Moon in Sagittarius is at the second degree of the sign which is symbolized by a game of chess. Foresight and forward thinking are the best tactical strategies to help you maneuver through these next couple of weeks until the New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024. The Full Moon is sending positive aspects to both Pluto and Neptune illuminating the need for intuitive and intelligent action. Expanding your vision and perspective to consider all potentials and possibilities will sharpen your focus on what needs to happen.

Venus Jupiter Conjunction May 23, 2024

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The same day of the Full Moon Venus enters Gemini where there can be a struggle between heart and mind. Scattered energies may cause values and desires to change from one day to the next. This duality will make you reconsider what is important to you and with her meet up with Jupiter on this same day, accessing a deeper sense of wisdom will be readily available.

Venus and Jupiter will be meeting at the end of Taurus at 29 degrees known as the Pleiades, the Weeping Sisters. Here a cleansing will occur, helping you to close one chapter of your life and ready to open a new chapter symbolized by 0 degrees Gemini.

29 degrees of Taurus is of a watery quality, bringing rain and nourishment. This conjunction symbolizes a fertilization of the fruits of your life. Jupiter has been in the sign of Taurus for one year. What area of your life is now blooming with colour, optimism, and possibility, all because you accepted your losses and reseeded your desires?


Jupiter in Gemini May 25, 2024

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Jupiter is entering the sign of Gemini on May 25, 2024 where he will be transiting for one year. Jupiter is a planet that expands, enlarges, and increases the zodiac sign he is visiting. Gemini is the zodiac sign associated with communication, thinking, speaking, information, exchanging of ideas, travel, and duality. Jupiter will be increasing all of the Gemini rulerships. However, an increase in communication and information will increase both the positive and negative aspects of it. Speculation, misinformation, gossip, and lies will be difficult to discern from the truth. Groundless conjecture, misperception, and misunderstandings will accompany the magnification of communication.

Jupiter was in Gemini in the years 2000 and 2012 huge years for conspiracy theories and end of the world speculation with the Y2K panic and the Mayan Calendar end of the world hoopla in 2012. It seemed everyone everywhere were talking about it, with varying opinions and thoughts about it swirling around in the media and society. We can expect something similar now this year with apocalyptic theories already being disseminated due to world events. Becoming infatuated and obsessed with what you perceive to be right may be reflected back to you distorting your perception of reality.

When Jupiter is in Gemini develop self-awareness and learn how to discern the truth. Be careful of making quick decisions without careful considerations, and try to incorporate the Sagittarius energy of open mindedness and big picture thinking. Balance what you see with what you feel in your heart.

Venus making a trine to Pluto will help to make passionate breakthroughs happen.



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With Jupiter entering Gemini this week, we will see the publishing industry super busy for the next 12 months with more books than usual being published this year and in 2025. Fiction stories about books and libraries will increase and dark academia and romantic comedies will also flood the market. Enemies to lovers and young adult stories will also increase due to the Gemini influence. Stories that have a more light hearted message and plot will be favoured as well as books set in more diverse or underrepresented locations/destinations/countries.

This week there are no specific book recommendations that I will be sharing since Jupiter in Gemini is the perfect time to expand your library by reading new genres and exploring new authors. Try not to judge books by their covers this year, and try to read only one book at a time if you can.

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