The Venus Moon Gate March 8, 2024

We have arrived at the final conscious Venus Moon Portal until Venus begins her ascension cycle in July 2024. Venus will enter the Earth Star Chakra Portal in early April which has a more unconscious energy.

Photo by Johan De Beer on

Since turning direct on September 3, 2023- Venus has made 8 conjunctions with the Moon until her Superior Conjunction with the Sun on June 4, 2024. These gates represent the chakras and energy centres of the body- the Moon represents our library of memory and wisdom, while Venus represents physical form. When the two meet up we experience embodiment, or the alchemical work of bringing together knowledge with action, mind and body, as above so below.

Venus has been the archetypal embodiment of Sekhmet for the last 7 months who is the Egyptian lion goddess of healing and destruction. Her name means vitality and her task is to transmute rage, anger, and self-destructive tendencies into conscious action. At the Moon Gates, we have had the opportunity to explore our relationship to anger- to better understand the source of it. Sekhmet has helped us to burn away everything that is standing in the way of our authenticity.

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At this final Venus Moon Gate, Sekhmet is cleansing the Root Chakra, which represents the foundation of who we are. Over the next few weeks, Sekhmet will burn away any issues you have surrounding security and confidence in your life.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

This conjunction is occurring at 26 degrees Aquarius on the degree of “An Ancient Pottery Bowl Filled with Violets.” This degree symbolizes the simplicity of life, appreciating beauty, and vibrational healing. Since the Root Chakra is being cleansed by the Venus-Moon conjunction for the next few weeks, we will become more consciously aware of what we really need and how to live more simply and authentically. Tourmaline is the crystal keeper of this Venus-Moon gate as it is a great crystal for grounding, clearing out intense negative emotions, and strengthening the connection to your higher self.

Photo by Filip Olsok on

This 7 month cycle of the Magna Dea Sekhmet as the Morning Star has been assisting us in reclaiming our light, vitality, sovereignty, and courage.

Think back to August 2023, what life events happened around that time that might be coming to a conclusion now in March/April 2024?



Book Recommendations:

If you would like to learn more about the Venus Starpoint cycle I would recommend this book:

If you would like to learn more about vibrational healing I would recommend this book:

If you would like to learn more about Sekhmet, I would recommend this book:

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