Star Reader: February 4-11, 2024

This week is full of smoke and mirrors as there is a hiddenness to what is happening in the cosmos this week. Monday starts off the first of three planetary conjunctions with Pluto this month which I like to call ‘System Upgrades.’ On Monday Mercury enters Aquarius where it will conjoin with Pluto. Put on your detective hat, because this is a probing type energy where you will have the power to plunge into deep depths to uncover what is hidden, obscured, and secreted. Happening in the sign of Aquarius, this transit has a more transcendent type of feeling, where you will be able to see the bigger picture and how everything is connected. Pluto will be charged by Mercury for about a week and a half until he meets with Mars on Valentine’s Day and then with Venus on February 17th.

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Venus Moon Gate: Carnelian Descension Gate, February 7, 2024

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Since turning direct on September 3, 2023- Venus will make 8 conjunctions with the Moon until her Superior Conjunction with the Sun on June 4, 2024. These gates represent the chakras and energy centres of the body- the Moon represents our library of memory and wisdom, while Venus represents physical form. When the two meet up we experience embodiment, or the alchemical work of bringing together knowledge with action, mind and body, as above so below.

Venus is the archetypal embodiment of Sekhmet for the next 9 months who is the Egyptian lion goddess of healing and destruction. Her name means vitality and her task is to transmute rage, anger, and self-destructive tendencies into conscious action. At the Moon Gates, we will have the opportunity to explore our relationship to anger- to better understand the source of it.

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This Venus Moon Gate is occurring at 19 degrees Capricorn whose Sabian Symbol is ‘A Hidden Choir Singing.’ There is a harmony that we are following like a musical note on the air that is guiding us even if we do not know where the sound is coming from. By following the music, you let go and trust the flow of sound coming to you. This idea of flow is important at the Sacral Chakra Gate, as in this portal we find our spiritual waters, our emotions, and creative power. We need to bring better flow to this area.

This Venus Moon Gate is activating the Sacral Chakra, the storehouse of our deep emotions and creative power. If imbalanced, you can feel emotionally overwhelmed, if underactive, you may feel emotionally drained and uninspired. Venus is meeting with the Moon at this Gate to cleanse creative blockages and to release emotional baggage that is cutting you off from your truth. The Sacral Chakra empties etherically into the Throat Chakra, thus communicating your truth through art is a good way to keep your Sacral healthy. With this week’s Mercury Pluto conjunction happening, our voice, communication, and research abilities will be powerfully activated, simulating our Sacral Chakra since Pluto is the natural ruler of the Sacral and Mercury is the natural ruler of the Throat Chakra.

What insights did you have at the Crown Chakra Gate back in September? How did those insights shift your beliefs in October at the Third Eye Gate? How did your beliefs change the way you communicated in November at the Throat Chakra Gate? What truths did you feel within yourself that you saw reflected back to you in your external world at the Heart Chakra Gate in December? What insights did you gain from examining your relationship to power in January at the Solar Plexus Gate? Now that you have taken back some of your power, it will be time to disempower negative emotions that are stuck in your Sacral Chakra in order to bring better creative flow back into your life.

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Carnelian is the crystal talisman for the Sacral Chakra Gate. It helps to balance the Sacral by boosting vitality, creativity, and passion for life.

As Venus descends with the Moon during the next 9 months at each of the chakras, we will have the opportunity to transmute and transform and get to know this Leo Lion Magna Dea (supreme goddess) and the lessons and offerings she will teach us about turning intense emotions into conscious action in a healthy way to ultimately balance our willpower with our goals.



New Moon in Aquarius February 9, 2024: It Was All a Dream

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The New Moon in Aquarius is happening at 20 degrees Aquarius which is Neptune’s exaltation degree. Magic, secrets, illusions, and glamour will enchant the world for the next couple of weeks. The New Moon is square to Uranus where surprises, and tricks of the eye will create optical illusions in your life. Something will not turn out the way you were expecting, but managing expectations is required at this time. Everything is not what it seems.

This New Moon is also significant because it is opposing the Sun-Venus conjunction from August 13, 2023 which started the Leo Magna Dea cycle of Venus. From August until this New Moon we are being forced to accept some truth about a situation pertaining to the Leo/Aquarius ruled areas of our life. Have you become disillusioned by what you have learned? Or have you been lying to yourself this whole time?

It can feel like waking up from a dream that you can’t quite remember yet there is a familiar feeling, as though you what you experienced was real yet so far away.


Saturday February 10, 2024: Dragon Lunar New Year

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The Chinese Lunar New Year beings on February 10th, initiating the year of the Wood Dragon for one year. Dragons are linked to awareness, the occult, and the balancing of deep energetic systems. This year is a Wood Dragon year putting emphasis on practicality and structures. New energetic systems will be created in 2024 on a global scale with new power dynamics, alliances, and power plays activating. On a personal level, the need to build new energetic structures in your life that will be able to withstand powerful external changes will be felt. Recalibrating your personal energy through taking up new modalities, learning new energetic defensive systems, and harmonizing your personal power will be themes this year. Awareness is building and with that, a physical upgrade in protecting your personal power and energy field will naturally find its way to you. Mercury squaring Jupiter on this day will lends itself to an optimistic feeling.




This week favours detective mysteries, mystery thrillers, and glamorous destination thrillers.

My recommendation is The Chateau by Jaclyn Goldis. This is a glamorous whodunnit set in a gorgeous French chateau where a girl’s trip descends into chaos when secrets from the past threaten to unravel their friendships and expose their less than glamorous lives.

This book is the perfect read this week as it captures the beauty and glamour of the New Moon in Aquarius while also exploring seedy scandals connected to the Sacral Chakra.

Here is the Synopsis:

A dream girls trip to a luxurious French chateau devolves into a deadly nightmare of secrets and murder in this stylish, twisty thriller for fans of Lucy Foley, Ruth Ware, and Lisa Jewell.

Welcome to picturesque Provence, where the Lady of the Chateau, Séraphine Demargelasse, has opened its elegant doors to her granddaughter Darcy and three friends. Twenty years earlier, the four girlfriends studied abroad together in France and visited the old woman on the weekends, creating the group’s deep bond. But why this sudden invitation?

Amid winery tours, market visits, and fancy dinners overlooking olive groves and lavender fields, it becomes clear that each woman has a hidden reason for accepting the invitation. Then, after a wild evening’s celebration, Séraphine is found brutally murdered.

As the women search for answers to this shocking crime, fingers begin pointing and a sinister Instagram account pops up, exposing snapshots from the friends’ intimate moments at the chateau, while threatening to reveal more.

As they race to uncover who murdered Séraphine and is now stalking them, they learn the chateau houses many secrets…several worth killing for.

You can read my review here.

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