Star Reader: 2024 Bookscopes for the 12 Signs

Welcome to The Starry Library’s 2024 Star Reader Horoscopes. In this blog, I will be doing an overview of the 2024 astrological energy along with horoscopes for each of the 12 rising signs. I will also include book and genre recommendations for each sign that will harmonize with the astrological forecast for 2024

If you do not know your rising sign, also known as your ascendant sign, you can input your birth data which includes your birthdate, time of birth, and birth place into any online horoscope calculator which will tell you what your rising sign is.


What Does 2024 Have in Store?

2024 will be an 8 universal year which is known as the Manifestor Number. 8 years are great for prosperity, manifestation, justice, and fullness. It is associated with the Strength Tarot Card which is about leaning into your heart space so that you can properly discern the truth.

The Major Astrological Shifts

Pluto enters Aquarius– January 1- September 1, 2024- Pluto was briefly in Aquarius in 2023 so I will not give an in depth analysis here, but overall it’s a time of futurism, technological advancements, and awakenings.

Saturn in Pisces All Year– Saturn has been in Pisces since 2023 where bringing form to ideals has been the focus.

Jupiter in Gemini- May 25, 2024- June 9, 2025- unfounded speculations, misinformation, shortsightedness, and scattered thinking along with windy storms are in the air for 2024. The need to get out of your head will be important. Overthinking can be intense.

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction April 20, 2024– I discussed this transit in my 12 days of Blogmas, but essentially this is one of the most important transits of 2024 as it has been approximately 14 years since they last met, and they have not met in Taurus since the 1940s. This conjunction signifies a new era of earth consciousness focused on the redistribution of resources, indigenous culture, and green ideologies. I do believe we will see a big trend towards fiction that focuses on these themes, such earth based magical systems in the fantasy genre, climate change dystopias in science fiction, flowery nature inspired stories in magical realism, and indigenous focused stories in fiction overall. This trend will unfold over the next 14 years, beginning in 2024 with many books concentrating on Appalachian magic.


Find your Rising Sign down below to read your literary horoscope for 2024.


Aries Rising: ‘Play Hard’– Pluto will be in your 11th house for the next twenty years where changes to your social networks and long term goals will unfold. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be in your second house of values and money which will shift your priorities to comfort and stability. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini along with Jupiter for most of the year in your 3rd house where too many ideas and short sightedness could get in your way. Saturn will continue to be in your 12th house where deep self analysis is still underway. Eclipses will continue in your 1st/7th house axis, helping you to wake up. At the end of the year Mars retrograde will get you to rethink your creative energy output.

Book Recommendations: Mysteries involving a motley crew of individuals would be good books to read throughout 2024.


Taurus Rising: ‘Expansion’. Pluto will be empowering your career and calling over the next twenty years. Power struggles with others is also a possibility. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April will open your eyes to the possibilities of your own potential. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for many months along with Jupiter expanding your idea of what is important to you. Saturn will continue to work hard at your goals. Eclipses will help you to let go of anything that is not serving you, liberating you in the long run. Mars will go retrograde in December moving a lot of energy through your home and family.

Book Recommendations: Feminist Fiction, Wild Woman Fiction, and Goddess Spirituality books are favoured this year.


Gemini Rising: ‘Growing Up’- Pluto will be shifting the focus to your future and what you want to accomplish. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April will help you to let go of the past. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for many months where you will feel optimistic about your personal growth. Saturn will continue his pressure on you to succeed. Eclipses will inspire you to create. Mars retrograde will help you to filter through information.

Book Recommendations: Feel good fiction with a focus on characters who accomplish great feats. Sword and Dagger type of fiction, Hero’s Journeys, and Fairytales.


Cancer Rising: ‘Past Meets Future’ -2024 is the year of past life regression. Pluto will be transiting your 8th house charging up research, spiritual studies, and ancestral healing. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in April will help you to expand your territory which will also be aided by eclipses in your 4th house of domestic matters. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for many months in your 12th house putting the focus on past life healing. Mars retrograde will slow you down to reassess your values.

Book Recommendations: Stories that focus on past lives, time slips, time travel, and multi generational sagas would be good choices.


Virgo Rising- ‘Healing’ -2024 is the year of Mind Body and Soul for Virgo’s. Pluto will be entering your 6th house of health for 20 years where a total recalibration of your health will be possible. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be in your 9th house, where you will become electrified with new ideas, beliefs, and studies of philosophical and spiritual subjects that will aid your wellness. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for many months in your 10th house along with Jupiter so learning new skills will be required in your career which may decide to go in a holistic direction. Mars retrograde will force you to relax.

Book Recommendations: Stories that focus on health and wellness, medical fiction, and tales that examine the human body using physiology as a metaphor for self discovery.


Libra Rising‘The Power of Being You’. The South Node will continue to transit your 1st house in 2024 bringing with it the focus on self image. Pluto will be entering your 5th house for twenty years where your creative power will have transformative affects on your life. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be occurring in your 8th house of deep research, ancestral healing, and personal power so prepare for a jolt of deep soul work. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini along with Jupiter shifting your beliefs and longings. Eclipses will continue to occur in your 1st/7th house axis bringing shake ups to your relationship dynamics. Mars retrograde will recalibrate your goals.

Book Recommendations: Stories about protagonists who reinvent themselves, gothics about strong protagonists who take back their power, and relationship dramas.


Scorpio Rising: ‘Love Hurts’– Pluto will be transforming your house and home bringing power struggles to the surface. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be occurring in your 7th house of relationships where renovating your interpersonal skills will be required. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for most of the year along with Jupiter where intimacy and personal power plays will be the focus. Saturn is still in your 5th house where creative blocks will force you to re-examine your desires. Eclipses will continue with your health. Mars retrograde will make you reassess how much time your are devoting to your career.

Book Recommendations: Romance novels, Stories that examine the relationships between duty and desire.



Sagittarius Rising: ‘Home is Where the Heart Is’– Pluto will be transiting your 3rd house bringing the opportunity to learn new skills that will empower your communication. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be occurring in your 6th house of health, triggering a radical change in lifestyle for several years to come. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for most of the year along with Jupiter where relationships will come up for review and renewal. Saturn is still in your 4th house where the restructuring of your home life will continue. Eclipses will continue to play around with your goals. Mars retrograde will improve your energy expenditures.

Book Recommendations: Cozy fixer upper fiction, stories that focus on houses and family dramas would be helpful reads for you this year.


Capricorn Rising: ‘Work and Play’– Pluto is finally leaving your first house and now entering your second house of values and finances. Now that you have a better sense of who you are, it is now time to start building your life to match your new identity. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will be occurring in your 5th house where new creative ideas will electrify your life. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for most of the year along with Jupiter which will force you to address your daily routines and habits. Saturn is still in your 3rd house this year, bringing a seriousness to the way you think and speak. Eclipses will continue to shake up your work/home life balance. Mars retrograde will stir up deep energies within you.

Book Recommendations: Historical novels with a speculative twist, and magical realism stories are recommended.



Aquarius Rising: ‘The Knowledge of You’– Pluto is now transiting your 1st house where your identity will be revamped over the next twenty years. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your 4th house where changes to your home life are inevitable. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini for most of the year along with Jupiter in your 5th house tweaking the way you express yourself. Saturn is still in your 2nd house, restructuring your values and financial situation. Eclipses will continue in your educational houses, perhaps inspiring you to take some courses or expand your knowledge in some way. Mars retrograde will bring a tantric type of energy to your relationships.

Book Recommendations: Contemporary Fiction that focuses on protagonists who learn through adversity that they don’t belong in the worlds they find themselves in.


Pisces Rising: Pluto will be in your 2nd house of values and money for the next twenty years, putting pressure on you to learn true self-sufficiency. The great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction is occurring in your 3rd house where you will become more interested in information technologies and futuristic ideas. Venus will be an evening star in Gemini along with Jupiter for most of the year in your 4th house which can bring a sense of domestic harmony to you that is triggered by an introspective energy. Saturn is still in your 1st house helping you to be more responsible, disciplined, and patient with yourself. Eclipses will continue in your health axis. Mars retrograde will bring energetic changes to your lifestyle.

Book Recommendations: Self-empowerment books, stories that feature protagonists who level up in some ways due to healing family relationships.



Wishing you all an amazing 2024! May the stars guide you to where you need to be!

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