Victorian Supernatural Reading List Part III- REVIEWS

Here is Part Three of my Victorian Supernatural Reading List. I have previously done two other versions featuring different books from the nineteenth century. I do enjoy this genre, although the books I selected this time around were all a bit too abstract and strange for me to enjoy them.

You can read Part 1 of my reading list here.

Part 2 of my reading list can be found here.



Libra, An Astrological Romance by Eleanor Kirk

I first came across this book in a 19th century astrology magazine I was reading and knew I had to read it. The story teaches astrology and is about a young woman in the late 1800s who is called Libra, and her engagement to a young man named Capricorn. Libra is attracted to Capricorn’s security and stability which helps her to feel more grounded and practical, but she soon realizes that his Capricorn personality is incompatible with her freedom loving Libran ways. Libra attends some lectures by an astrologer who teaches her about the subject which stirs something within her. She realizes that her Libra scales vacillate between extreme emotions and Capricorn makes her feel somewhat balanced. When she comes to learn more about herself via astrology, she discovers that the feeling of stability that she desires can only come through having a strong sense of spirituality and connection to god. When she begins to develop her spirituality, she becomes more balanced and realizes that Capricorn is not a good match for her because he stifles her free thinking.

I really enjoyed this story because 19th century female characters are written with so much more self-awareness and courage and enlightement than female characters today. The author is an astrologer and she was very clever to tell a story using astrology. There is a lot of astrological information included in the story such as personality characteristics of various zodiac signs. I love how Libra was able to defy the pressures of her family and society and ultimately followed her heart by choosing not marry. I learned a lot more about the astrological signs and it was such a creative way to share this knowledge.



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Zelma, the Mystic

This book was boring and dry and minor characters became main characters without a strong enough backstory for them.


Born of Flame

Book got a little too dark


Ravelette by Pascale Beverly Randolph

Weird meandering plot that I had no patience for.



Photo by Alexander Zvir on

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