Secret Santa Day 8- Blogmas

Welcome to The Starry Library’s Secret Santa. Until December 12th, I will be sharing an astrological clue about a book that I have read this year and you will have to guess out of the books that I have listed, which book I am talking about. Please note there are no prizes, this is just a guessing game.

I wanted to do something for Blogmas this year that incorporated my astrological knowledge, since my weekly bookscopes have been a big hit this year!

The Secret Santa’s will get more difficult the further along we go, but I promise I won’t make them too challenging.



These three books each featured photography as an important plot element. The planet Neptune and the sign Pisces both rule photography due to its deceptive nature. Each of these books includes photography in a different way. For example;

The Witch’s Lens features a magical camera that can take pictures of things not seen with the eye.

The Star and the Strange Moon is about a camera that can steal souls.

The Glow is about the heavily photoshopped world of social media.

Based on the info I have shared, which of these three books captures the essence of photography the most?












If you guessed The Glow, you are correct! However, all three books represent different sides of photography and its associations with Neptune and Pisces.

The Glow is a satirical story about social media’s power to deceive and manipulate its followers through heavily edited photos which distort perceptions of reality. It is the blurred lines between reality and fantasy that photography and its astrology energy of Neptune and Pisces that contributes to the trickery. Pisces and Neptune are about seeing beyond the veil but its shadow side is escapism as a result of the beauty and intrigue that transcends real life. Neptune has been in the sign of Pisces for a few years already, so it makes sense that a lot of books have been published that are discussing these themes….usually in fantasy and fiction….how Neptunian.

You can read my review here.



See you tomorrow for Day 9!

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